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Body Fat Analyzer
Apple Cider Vinegar
Benefits of Juicing
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Raw Food Diet
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Body Fat Calipers

(also known as Skinfold Calipers)


Using body fat calipers is one of the most convenient and cost effective ways of monitoring body fat but it is important that they are used correctly; the reliability of the measurement can vary depending on the user. These types of tests can either be performed by a professional or by purchasing an accumeasure and perform the test on yourself; it is important to follow the measuring instructions provided. Either way body fat calipers are a very accurate way of calculating your percentage of body fat.


Using Body Fat Calipers

Body fat calipers measure the subcutaneous fat (the fat directly beneath the skin); since the majority of your fat is located directly under your skin, body fat calipers are a very effective way to measure your percentage of body fat.



Grasp a fold of skin using your thumb and forefinger and gently pull it away from your body; grasp the pulled skin with the caliper approximately 1/4-1/2" below your thumb and forefinger. Hold the caliper for 2-4 seconds applying complete pressure. After taking the first measurement wait a few seconds before taking this same measurement again; it is a good idea to mark the spot to ensure that you replicating the same measurement the second time.

There are typically 7 sites to measure on the body: triceps, abdominal, chest, thigh, Suprailiac (iliac crest), midaxillary and subscapular


Triceps: vertical measurement, taken halfway mark between your shoulder and elbow.


Abdominal: vertical measurement, one inch to the right of the belly button. Chest: diagonal measurement, mid-way between the underarm and the nipple.


Thigh: vertical measurement, taken halfway between the knee cap and the hip.


Suprailiac: diagonal measurement, taken slightly above the hip


Midaxiliary: vertical measurement, taken directly under the arm pit

Subscapular: oblique measurement, taken below the bottom edge of the shoulder blade.


To ensure the reliability of the test, repeat these measurements 2-3 times and take the average score.


These calipers do not measure your body fat percentages directly first you must calculate your body density there are 100's of equations that you can use, the following is an example of one equation for calculating body density.....


For Males use:

DB= 1.112-(.00043499)(sum of 7 skinfolds)+(.00000055)(sum of 7 skinfolds squared)-(.00028826)(your age)


For Females use:

DB= 1.097-(.00046971)(sum of 7 skinfolds)+(.00000056)(sum of 7 skinfolds squared)-(.00012828)(your age)


This will give you your body density, the following equation will provide your fat percentage:

Body Fat% = [(4.95/DB)-4.5]x100




31 year old male, has taken 7 measurements all 7mm in girth....

DB= 1.08177638


Use this number to calculate the percentage of body fat
Body Fat% = [(4.95/1.08177638)-4.5]x100
Body Fat% = 7.58



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